Curriculum Vitae


December 26, 2024


Institut Polytechnique de Paris | Palaiseau, France

Ph.D. in Economics | 2021 - 2026 (exp.)

Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore MD, USA

Visiting Doctoral Student | Spring 2025 (exp.)

University of Oxford | Oxford, England

MPhil in Economics, Honours | 2019 - 2021

Moscow State Institute of International Relations | Moscow, Russia

BA in Economics and Finance, Honours | 2015 - 2019


Guido Ascari (Bank of Netherlands)

Andrea Ferrero (University of Oxford)

David Bounie (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Jean-Baptiste Michau (Institut Polytechnique de Paris)

Job market paper

[SSRN] [Paper PDF]

This paper analyses the implications of central bank balance sheet policies on financial stability in a framework with banks facing occasionally-binding leverage constraints and endogenous disruptions in financial intermediation. Whilst central bank balance sheet expansions are effective in stabilising the economy in a financial stress episode, they increase the frequency of such episodes and their duration. Balance sheet expansions induce financial intermediaries to take on more risk in normal times and slow their recapitalisation during a stress episode. In a tightening cycle, stabilisation properties of balance sheet policies are maintained but come at a significant cost to price stability.


[SSRN] [Paper PDF] [Online appendix]

Japan has faced rapid ageing, persistently low interest rates, sluggish growth, and deflation for decades. Concurrently, there has been a gradual convergence in productivity between young and elderly workers. This paper aims to explore the relationship between productivity, demographic shifts, and interest rates in Japan during the post-bubble era, using an overlapping generations two-agent New Keynesian (OTANK) DSGE model. The narrowing productivity gap between younger and older cohorts puts upward pressure on interest rates. Meanwhile, factors such as longer life expectancy and negative population growth rates exert downward pressure on interest rates. The latter effect dominates. A central bank that does not account for this when setting monetary policy may induce deflationary pressure in the economy. Important policy implications emerge: Enhancing worker productivity across workers’ entire life-cycle and bridging the productivity gap between younger and older workers can help offset the decline in interest rates, and monetary policy ought to account for shifting demographics.

Working Papers

[SSRN] [Paper PDF]

The presence of an occasionally binding constraint due to the effective lower bound (ELB) in New Keynesian models generally gives rise to multiple equilibria under active monetary policy. To restore uniqueness in the model with an active Taylor rule, we consider appropriate simple fiscal policy instruments. Without relaxing the assumptions of Ricardian equivalence, full information, and rational expectations, we show that appropriate fiscal targeting rules ensure that New Keynesian models subject to the ELB possess a unique solution.

[SSRN] [Paper PDF]

This paper explores the interaction between monetary policy and financial inclusion with the introduction of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). Using a New-Keynesian two-agent framework, we show that CBDCs can enhance welfare for unbanked households by providing an interest-bearing savings tool that facilitates consumption smoothing in response to monetary policy shocks. However, higher CBDC rates, while beneficial to unbanked households, reduce welfare for banked households due to tax redistribution effects. A Ramsey optimal policy exercise demonstrates that a social planner would typically set the CBDC rate to maintain a constant spread relative to the policy rate to maximise welfare. These findings emphasise the importance of tailoring CBDC design to an economy’s level of financial inclusion.

Works in Progress

Grants and Awards

  • Peter Sinclair 3rd Prize, MMF PhD Conference
  • Fondation du Risque Ph.D. scholarship
  • Hill Foundation Scholarship
  • MGIMO-University Academic Excellence scholarship

Teaching Experience

École Polytechnique, Stipendiary lecturer | 2022 - Present

  • Introduction to Economics, Undergraduate. Convenor: Jean-Baptiste Michau
  • Advanced Macroeconomics, Undergraduate. Convenor: Giovanni Ricco
  • Macroeconomic Growth, Graduate. Convenor: Alessandro Riboni

University of Chicago (Centre in Paris), Stipendiary Lecturer | Winter 2025

  • Macroeconomics, Undergraduate. Convenor: Kotaro Yoshida
  • Labour Economics, Undergraduate. Convenor: Julio Elias
  • Microeconomics, Undergraduate. Convenor: Min Sok Lee

Télécom Paris, Teaching Assistant | Autumn 2023

  • Digital Markets and Platforms, Graduate. Convenor: Michelangelo Rossi

Non-academic appointments

Hulme Common Room, Brasenose College, University of Oxford. Vice-President, Treasurer, 2021 - 2022

KPMG, Tax & Legal, Transfer Pricing Group. Intern, Spring 2019

UK HM FCDO, British Embassy in Moscow. Culture and Education Officer, 2017 - 2018

Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Student Representative, 2015 - 2019

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